As with most people, I smile many times throughout the day, too many to count. Although a smile is a sign of happiness, we may not be that happy with the effects.  Over time we see the fine lines and wrinkles that our smiles reveal, especially around our eyes. Not to worry,  there are several options for treating those pesky lines as well as preventing them, including micro needling.

micro needling training

Difference Between Fine Lines and Wrinkles

Before we know which treatment route is best, it may help to know the difference between fine lines and wrinkles. Fine lines are those caused by the movement of facial muscles when smiling or frowning. They can also be created due to a lack of moisture in the skin and are not seen while the face is at rest.

A wrinkle is deeper than a fine line and can be caused by the natural process of aging and loss of volume in the face. They can also be cause by exposure to environmental factors or repetitive facial movements such as smiling, frowning or squinting and are seen while the face is at rest.

micro needling face

As aging occurs, we lose collagen and elastin. While there is no way to stop the process of aging, we do know how it can be slowed down.

  • Vitamins
  • Anti-oxidants
  • Anti-inflammatory ingredients
  • Exfoliants
  • Water
  • Facials & Chemical peels
  • Dermal Fillers/Injectables
  • Facial Lasers

Micro needling is another great treatment to stimulate collagen and elastin and reduce wrinkles.

Fine or superficial lines are easily treated with micro needling because they are on the top layer of our skin, the epidermis. Usually a series of 3 to 6 monthly treatments done will reduce those. Hydrating products used in conjunction with as micro needling allows for better product penetration and will yield optimal results.


Clients will have enhanced results by using PRP as part of micro needling procedure. The Platelet Rich Plasma as it is called will enhance the bodies natural healing effect, producing more collagen and elastin resulting in tighter, smoother and better-toned skin. Fine lines and wrinkles will be reduced as well as a deceased appearance of scars.

Learn about the many studies showing the effects of Microneedling with PRP. Microneedling The Science


Skin Care Regiment

An at home skincare regiment is just as important as professional treatments. A potent antioxidant, helps treat hyper pigmentation and assists in sun protection when added to sunscreens. This is essential in collagen production and fighting off those fine lines and wrinkles.

Microneedling with the MD Needle Pen will offer you a medical grade system to give consistent depths, and smooth movement for more effective results.